This page is what I link to when people ask me for a bio and picture.
Lucy crept into tech through a back door. She draws on the memories of being a newbie in the tech world to make tech more inviting and less mysterious to those attempting to engage with it. Her schtick is the benefits of eliminating jargon from the workplace.
After embarking on a career as a journalist, she took a few turns which lead to a career at Open Knowledge teaching journalists how and why to work with data. She was one of the editors of the Data Journalism Handbook. She later lead the highly successful School of Data programme which extended technical training to non-profit organisations.
Lately, she has focussed on delivery of software projects. She worked as a product manager for eHealth Africa on health related software rolled out in West Africa. She worked as a delivery manager for mySociety on the EveryPolitician project, attempting to get crucial basic information about all legislators worldwide into Wikidata. She now works for ThoughtWorks as a Business Analyst.
This experience has given her a wealth of insight into cultural, institutional and technical factors which affect the success of data and technology initiatives.
She writes about her learnings at techtohuman.com.
More details
For more detail, please see LinkedIn
Email: lucy [at] techtohuman.com
Twitter: @lucyfedia